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Results 107 ctftime.org issues
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Hello, CTFtime organizers.We're planning a match within the month, Could you please speed up the process of our [CTFs](https://ctftime.org/ctf/982/edit/) approving.

I am as abdula_2fal on CTFtime my team played nahamcon with the name as [Cyber blitz](https://ctftime.org/team/235238) now after that we had played multiple events under name of [cyber_blitz](https://ctftime.org/team/214798) i want...

Hello, CTFtime organizers. It's been over a week since I submitted the CTF event form of TSG CTF 2023 (https://ctftime.org/event/2013/edit/), but it doesn't seem to have been approved yet. Please...

Hi! I am trying to merge team `#202920` (utahacks) into `#220610` (UtahSec) to no avail -- it's been marked as "pending" for the last few months. Can you please let...

Hello, I'm Jinn, last weekend I played on GoogleCTF with my team `The Council of Sheep` (https://ctftime.org/team/221828), but we changed the team name to `nopnop` in order to avoid attentions...

Hello, My username is xtex. I wonder why it shows "OK (not really, your are acting as a spammer)" almost everywhere? Maybe I did something wrong? Thanks.

We got reports about people trying to add writeups to our event: https://ctftime.org/event/2008/tasks/ And they have to choose a team, but it is blank. The only way to update writeups...

The second approval process is redundant how long before 2nd approval is okayed? Been waiting weeks for 4N0NYM0US3 https://anony.xn--4z8h.fm/ to be approved.

I wanna merge team https://ctftime.org/team/226199 to an existing team https://ctftime.org/team/194221 (the former one is another form of the latter one). However, the merge has not been confirmed so far.

Our CTF event starts on friday, May 12 and is in review for more than 24 hours - can we please get someone to approve? Hope this finds you well...