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meta repository for ctftime.org issues, feature-requests etc

Results 107 ctftime.org issues
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Hi, I am unable to join thehackerscrew CTF team with the invite link the provided and also manually searching the team and inviting myself to it. In the Join existing...

Requirements for a username are _"30 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/\_ only"_ but letters from non-english alphabets (e.g. ø, আ, ß, ä) are not accepted. I suggest to...

Dear CTFTime team, As a member of the 0rganizers, I would find it awesome to have the European flag next to our name on the leaderboard 😄 Would it be...

My team was stolen by a non-member before I had a chance to claim it. Who do I contact to discuss ways I can claim our team from a recent...

Currently to view usual writeup from event page one needs to: click Event tasks and writeups > click on selected task > click Read writeup > click Original writeup >...

This was a discussion from a number of members from different teams, but we thought it might be good if organizers can be allowed to denote rough ballpark difficulty (either...

I think the top 50 Teams are well known and recognized. In my opinion, their evaluation of a CTF is the most valuable one, as these teams can pretty good...

This happens frequently in writeups section of an event. There are two different task links for the same task and this leads to some amount of confusion Here is an...

I want to add some comfortable way to publish writeups at CTFtime not only at teams blogs. Why? 1. unfortunately, teams blogs do not live for long :( and when...

Hello, So when visiting any CTF Team's profile, there is a `Current` section which lists the member who are approved by the Team's admin. The current logic to sort the...