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meta repository for ctftime.org issues, feature-requests etc

Results 107 ctftime.org issues
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We are making a bot that shows us events on CTFtime. It looks like my bot is never getting a reply after connecting to the api. My teammate is not...

Hi, we are playing CTFs for a time now with different variations of a name but now we want to register as a team. Since we have played in JadeCTF...

Hey, When we created BSidesSF CTF this year, we mistakenly picked some combination of settings that made it unranked (one of my co-leads did that, I don't know what the...

Hello, In trouble shooting an issue we were having with CTFtime, we accidentally created a duplicate event (https://ctftime.org/event/2349/). If this event could be removed, we'd greatly appreciate it! Thank you...

Hello! This year, we hosted our annual UTCTF, which went really well! However, when creating the event, we accidentally created a CTF with incorrect dates (), which was approved. We...

The timezone offset for Asia/Tehran is currently incorrectly listed as (GMT+0430) on CTFTime. However, the accurate offset is three and a half hours after UTC (UTC+3:30). This discrepancy may lead...

Hi, I found the RSS feed in ctftime.org can't pass the [W3C feed check service](https://validator.w3.org/feed/): ![image](https://github.com/ctftime/ctftime.org/assets/7644862/7335fe7e-3103-4a4d-a89c-5043ac2910c5) Maybe you can modify the RSS feed to let it pass the W3C check...