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Results 107 ctftime.org issues
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Hi, We ([https://ctftime.org/team/214787](https://ctftime.org/team/214787)) wanted to merge our company team ([https://ctftime.org/team/282510](https://ctftime.org/team/282510)), initiated in the required 2-weeks windows after creation. So merge **nxo-nano** into **\*SBB\***. Do we need to take any additional...

hello My name is Andrew Bae (https://ctftime.org/team/111953) and I am the team owner. I signed up with GitHub (ID: andrewbae), but I recently deleted my GitHub account and created it...

Hello, Here is my profile: https://ctftime.org/user/52929 I have two pending team membership requests made more than a year ago that are still in "pending" status. - Team nikost -> the...

Dear CTFtime Team, I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to urgently request approval for our upcoming event, VishwaCTF, scheduled to take place on March 1st. We...

Hello CTF Time people, I have submitted VishwaCTF'24 5 days ago but has not yet been approved. It is scheduled for 1st March 2024, not even a week is remaining....


It looks like your API has been put behind cloudflare ddos protection, due to this API calls are getting 403 access denied To replicate: access https://ctftime.org/api/v1/top/2014/ in an incognito tab,...

Username: GreenScreen410 ([email protected]) Team name: 6R33N I tried joining my old team, but request is still pending. I can verify my information about uploaded image. Please help me!

In the dropdown section there is no 2024, due to which I am not able to navigate to the upcoming ctfs unlness i change the year from the url to...

Hi, I'm a HackDay CTF Organizer since creation 2 years ago, and I always created events on CTFtime.org. However, this year I just can't create new event as I can't...