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:hibiscus: reference-free transcriptome assembly for short and long reads

Results 22 RNA-Bloom issues
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As per title. Input file: [test.fastq.gz](https://github.com/bcgsc/RNA-Bloom/files/9286125/test.fastq.gz) Command: ```bash rnabloom -t 2 -outdir test_out -long test.fastq -ntcard ``` It should probably again report too little input data? Big thanks for all...

to be released

Another error which seems to be from too few/too short reads as input? But pretty cryptic. Thanks again!! ```bash root@633c29844365:/data/retry# rnabloom -outdir rnabloom_out -t 8 -long filtered.fastq -ntcard RNA-Bloom v1.4.3...

to be released

# Please report - [x] version of RNA-Bloom with `java -jar RNA-Bloom.jar -version` 2.0.0 and earlier versions - [x] version of java with `java -version` jre-11-openjdk- - [x] exact command...

to be released

# Please report - [x] version of RNA-Bloom with `java -jar RNA-Bloom.jar -version` - [x] version of java with `java -version` - [x] exact command used to run RNA-Bloom Trying...

to be released

# Please report - [x] version of RNA-Bloom with `java -jar RNA-Bloom.jar -version` - [x] version of java with `java -version` - [x] exact command used to run RNA-Bloom Same...

to be released

# Please report - [v1.4.3 ] version of RNA-Bloom with `java -jar RNA-Bloom.jar -version` - [] version of java with `java -version` - [ ] exact command used to...


Hello , I am doing the denvo transcriptome assembly, please guide me how to remove the isoforms in the transcript.fa file, The output of transcript.fa file has transcript start as...


Thanks again for your help! When using RNA-Bloom, I expected (perhaps naively) that the sum of `coverage of each contig X length of same contig` would not exceed the number...


# Please report - [x] version of RNA-Bloom with `java -jar RNA-Bloom.jar -version` /Bio/User/software/anaconda3/envs/rnabloom/bin/rnabloom RNA-Bloom v2.0.0 - [x] version of java with `java -version` /Bio/User/software/anaconda3/envs/rnabloom/bin/java -version openjdk version "17.0.3-internal" 2022-04-19...


Hello, I just wanted to ask what the minimum RAM requirements are for using RNA-Bloom. I am interested in performing a _de novo_ alignment of a pathogen transcriptome from previously...
