Timo Furrer

Results 248 comments of Timo Furrer

@adriano-fonseca Just to confirm a `gitlab_project_issue_link` resource would fit your needs for now?

In any case, I've created a MR in GitLab to support a get of a single issue link ... see: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/88228 If it's not super urgent for you @adriano-fonseca I'd...

This is one of the oldest open requests without really any activity. @ggPeti is this still something you would like to have supported in the provider? Could you elaborate on...

> On a cursory check it still is using the service endpoint name vs the integrations endpoint name in the URL and the ssl verification attribute is missing. I think...

I think a mass rename is something for the v4 of the provider. However, we could alias existing ones and correctly name new ones. Where as the former is not...

> Do you agree that this should be placed in this provider? If so, I'd be willing to work on it and see if I can give an implementation for...

Sounds good. If you need any help implementing this, just ping me on the Discord server ;)

> Short update: Progress is ongoing, datasource is coming along, but the underlying go-gitlab library needs a few changes as well, lots of API changes are not reflected in that...

@JanKoppe maybe you can continue, I've already done the majority of missing fields: https://github.com/xanzy/go-gitlab/pull/1415

> My golang is a bit rusty, but if there's anything I can do to help with this, I'd be happy to contribute. @tdg5 In case you want to pick...