Timo Furrer

Results 248 comments of Timo Furrer

Thanks for the suggestion! :tada: It still seams to be a very fresh and "unknown" package - let's start a vote here!

Looks nice, let's get some votes :)

Please answer the questions in the template. Thanks :tada: And please remove `Python` from the list entry title ;)

@antonagestam Thanks for the hint ;) I'm aware of that :)

Let's wait what happens with responder and keep this PR open. If there is a lot of request to include it, I'll merge a PR which adheres to the contribution...

Please resolve the merge conflicts :)

Looks good to me. Anyone else what to comment on that?

Please resolve the conflicts 🎉

With some more :tada: or :+1: I'll merge it. For now it seems like not really widely used. And to be honest, I don't fully understand it's benefit - maybe...

Please resolve the conflicts 🎉