Timo Furrer

Results 248 comments of Timo Furrer

Thanks for writing this up @armsnyder! (once we've agreed on this I think it makes sense to add it to the `CONTRIBUTING.md`, too - something for later :)) > Use...

In the [terraform-provider-gitlab](https://github.com/gitlabhq/terraform-provider-gitlab) we also face this issue regularly. What are proven solutions / workarounds providers are using? Do you still rely on `GetOkExists()` ?

@jacobbednarz thanks for the quick response. We've also found this comment here: https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-sdk/pull/350#issuecomment-597888969 Thus, we keep using `GetOkExists()` for now ... Can you "point" me to an example using the...

I don't see any additional options than these two as well and I agree with your pros and cons. I'm also wondering if other providers have the same issue -...

@flybd5 the thing is that every resource (here `gitlab_project` and `gitlab_branch_protection`) have their own underlying terraform state. AFAIK (or is there?!) there is no way to share this state between...

I think I can only partially agree to that, because the Branch Protection is a separate (REST) resource - although they are always within a project. However, would your reasoning...

@Stromweld yes, that sounds like a viable solution, too :) @armsnyder I'd also limit ourselves to a few project subresources to start with, if we'd go that way. What do...

In case anyone is interested to discuss some mitigation for the protecting the default branch: https://github.com/gitlabhq/terraform-provider-gitlab/pull/1216

FYI @PatrickRice-KSC @nagyv I've merged #1023 🎉