Timo Furrer

Results 248 comments of Timo Furrer

@nagyv btw. I think something got messed up during the rebase ....

We've worked a little bit towards this with the `datasourceSchemaFromResourceSchema`, `constructSchema`, `attributeNamesFromSchema`, `setStateMapInResourceData` helper functions. While there is still a lot of duplication and manual processes I think the major...

@dschaaff Is the group (with id `var.sre_group_id`) shared with the project `gitlab_project.this.id`? It seems to be a current limitation of the GitLab API that in case it's not shared with...

@dschaaff and I assume the resources are applied in the correct order? (well at least it should apply the second time I suppose) Can you post some debug logs using...

Okay, according to the logs I think the problem is that the `deploy_access_levels` attribute is a list (which is ordered) and the GitLab API returns the deploy access levels in...

@dschaaff thanks for the confirmation! Yes, indeed that's a bug - the order you define your deploy_access_levels in shouldn't matter.

I came to the conclusion that this will be not worth to implement - the effort is too big for what we'll gain. I'm going to close it.

@adriano-fonseca the `references` field is actually a map of reference for the issue at hand (like the short, relative and full reference) and not the references to other issues. The...

Oh great! Thanks for the links 👍 Project Milestones are on the way here https://github.com/gitlabhq/terraform-provider-gitlab/pull/1044 🎉 Epics and Group Milestones are not yet available. Feel free to create separate issues...

hmmm, I think if we do something like that we miss two use cases: * link cycles, e.g. `issue-a -> issue-b -> issue-a` * unable to set the `link_type` And...