Timo Furrer

Results 248 comments of Timo Furrer

@Shocktrooper Yes, I've actually started to draft an OpenAPI spec for that endpoint (and contribute it to GitLab) in the hope that we can use it to generate the code...

@Shocktrooper I think we just have to try and move something forward. In any case I'm also fine just doing it by hand the first time to provide some value...

I've created a new `gitlab_application_settings` resource in #1201 in a semi-automated way. I think it's something to unblock people, but it's also something that isn't perfect. The most pressing points:...

We've implemented a first experimental version of a `gitlab_application_settings` resource which will be released with [v.3.17.0](https://github.com/gitlabhq/terraform-provider-gitlab/milestone/17). We'd appreciate feedback!

Yes, it should actually yield the same errors than the API! Do you mind providing a standalone example using the `gitlab_project` resource directly?

@PatrickRice-KSC can you change the `path` instead? AFAIK, the name is merely used to display a *name*. It may not even require a namespace change (as in the `namespace_id`.

@twalker1998 > This seems like a limitation of the Gitlab API, ... Yes, it indeed seems like a limitation of the GitLab API. Running a `curl` command manually against a...

@phoban01 Thanks for the bug report and the reproducible example. Quickly looking at this the problem is that when querying the GitLab API for a single file leading with a...

I agree with both of you ... However, given that this is a known and deliberate constraint from GitLab API side I don't think it makes a lot of sense...

Okay, it seems to be a sporadic issue ... a retry passed ...