Timo Furrer

Results 248 comments of Timo Furrer

I'm very much looking forward to that PoC @PatrickRice-KSC 🎉 > May need to create an issue for the gitlab team to see if that's intentional. Totally agree that we...

This change affects the log output of HTTP drastically. It does no longer "pretty print" the JSON request and responses and the output will look like this: ``` 2022-08-03T08:55:02.785+0200 [DEBUG]...

@Shocktrooper as far as I remember I had to change it to even make it compile - but then the logs become very unreadable. I have to tackle this once...

Don't worries, valid tickets won't be closed and we'll go through the ones which have been labelled as `stale`.

@armsnyder Yes, my assumption is that @drpebcak asked for a way to configure the access scope for the `CI_JOB_TOKEN` for a project. This feature basically: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/jobs/ci_job_token.html However, I've just browsed...

I've opened an issue upstream: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/351740 Maybe @nagyv or @DonNicoJs can do some triaging magic? 😇

Thanks @DonNicoJs. I think we'll explore the GraphQL approach once the working group advanced a little. See #547 :)

Thanks for the experiment @PatrickRice-KSC. Given the information here I think it makes sense to just use meetup.com and pin a message to the Discord channel and start with that....

Thanks for the report! I currently fail to reproduce this using the following tf config testing against gitlab.com using provider versions 3.12.0 and 3.15.0: ```hcl resource "gitlab_project" "this" { name...

Thanks for the nice analysis @szymonpk 🎉 I'm afraid that we can't do much in the provider, except implementing a custom regex to parse the URL and allowing non-urlencoded passwords...