Timo Furrer

Results 248 comments of Timo Furrer

I don't have strong feelings about it actually, we could leave as-is. However, last time I used poetry it was a pain to test for multiple Python versions and maintain...

Oh and yes, we'd still need a lock file :)

Please don't just close issues blindly. This issue is perfectly legitimate. Issue #5 was closed - that's fine, so just let us keep this one. Thanks.

> ❓ We need to decide what do to with the Flux [Terraform Provider](https://github.com/fluxcd/terraform-provider-flux), if CNCF doesn't add the Terraform Plugin SDK to the exceptions list we may be forced...

@stefanprodan it always has been MLP though, right? I'm trying to understand what changes for the Flux Terraform provider to help make decisions for the once I maintain :)

Any solution for this?

It was more an accident than intend.. I'll reopen

@bflad 👋 Thanks for the answer! > It is targeted for a version 1.0.0 release next month. What's the best way to follow that release (schedule) ?