Timo Furrer

Results 248 comments of Timo Furrer

@fridex do you mind resolving the merge conflicts to get a step further to know if this can/should be merged?

Awesome, @fridex - thanks. Can you have a look at the feedback from @akshaykumar90.

@bxscif I don't have the time to implement this myself right now, but I'd be super happy to review PRs - in case you are interested!

I might be able to add it there today.

I haven't had time unfortunately for that, yet. The offer still stands for a review ...

We could probably easily fix this if some waiting conditions / retry logic. However, I think it's best to get some details on how the Group API is supposed to...

I've created another upstream issue to tackle these kind of issues: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/365055

Checking the API docs it seems like this isn't supported in the API yet :'( @cweidinger did you have any specific API in mind which I'm missing here?

I think it doesn't make sense to do this now with SDK v2, since users are actually not affected by the SDK upgrade ... Let's schedule a proper v4 release...