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Ruby on Rails

Results 459 rails issues
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As a result of #46992 (@tenderlove), with new Rails 7.1 default `run_after_transaction_callbacks_in_order_defined` true, `prepend` option is _no longer supported_ for any transactional callbacks. (after_commit) We can see how in the...

With reproduction steps

### Steps to reproduce https://guides.rubyonrails.org/active_record_validations.html#skipping-validations lists a bunch of methods that skip validations. One of these is `update_columns`, which in addition to skipping validations also skips callbacks and doesn't update...

### Steps to reproduce We're using a combination of "where missing" and "or + scope" to find goals without a state, either because they have no state record or because...

attached PR
With reproduction steps

### Motivation / Background Fixes #51164. ### Detail This Pull Request changes `ActiveRecord::Reflection::AssociationReflection#derive_fk_query_constraints` to raise an existing more appropriate error if `Model.query_constraints` is given a single non-primary-key column argument. ###...


### Steps to reproduce I started looking into the schema cache functionality that Rails offers. When loading the cache and setting `check_schema_cache_dump_version` to false, accessing column information still queries the...

With reproduction steps

I try to get my app running under a special path with `RAILS_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT`. I do that because my app runs in a kubernetes cluster and I need a specific route,...

### Steps to reproduce ```ruby begin require 'bundler/inline' rescue LoadError => e $stderr.puts 'Bundler version 1.10 or later is required. Please update your Bundler' raise e end gemfile(true) do source...


The guides https://guides.rubyonrails.org/testing.html does not mention what you need to install in order to run the system specs. For `:headless_firefox`, it is enough to install `firefox-esr`. But testing with `:headless_chrome`...


### Steps to reproduce Here is an issue that appears some times in one of our job, but that we don't manage to reproduce consistently. The assign_attributes, sometimes, does change...

### Motivation / Background This Pull Request has been created because we have so many syntax sugar, like for `present?` method we have `blank?`, and so on, so, that's would...
