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Ruby on Rails

Results 596 rails issues
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I think it'd be helpful to improve the output of records in a Rails console when some of the fields have very long values. As of IRB version 1.3.1 (released...


### Steps to reproduce Say I have a model with an attached image, like such: ```ruby class Company < ApplicationRecord has_one_attached :logo validates :name, presence: true end ``` ...and there...

third party issue

### Steps to reproduce I have upgraded my rails application from 5.2 to 6.0 and then 6.0 to 7.0 . So, I am getting ActiveStorage::IntegrityError (ActiveStorage::IntegrityError) while I am trying...

### Motivation / Background As SQLite's popularity grows as a production database engine for Rails applications, so does the need for robust and resilient default configuration. One of the most...


### Motivation `ANY` has several advantages over `IN`: - using a single bind param allows the use of prepared statements - query parsing is faster - `pg_stat_statements` churn can be...


### Motivation / Background I've had to check in a few places if a relation had exactly or less than or more than N records. On top of that, if...


irb(main):047> image => # irb(main):048> irb(main):049> irb(main):050> image.class => ActiveStorage::Attachment(id: integer, name: string, record_type: string, record_id: integer, blob_id: integer, created_at: datetime) irb(main):051> irb(main):052> irb(main):053> irb(main):054> image.purge /home/lap-053/.rbenv/versions/3.3.0-dev/lib/ruby/gems/3.4.0+0/gems/activemodel-7.1.3/lib/active_model/attribute_methods.rb:489:in `method_missing': undefined method...


I am not sure if this is a bug or something is not configured correctly. ### Steps to reproduce Using Active Storage with a S3-compatible object storage from digital ocean...


### Motivation / Background Fixes https://github.com/rails/rails/issues/48463 Since https://github.com/rails/rails/pull/43227, the default CSP suggested in the initializer does not work with empty sessions. See [this comment](https://github.com/rails/rails/pull/43227#issuecomment-1191692615) for an example issue and workaround....


Hello! I faced this behavior on the working app after upgrading Ruby to 3.1 and Rails to 7.0.7. Initially, I thought it could be something with configs, patches, etc. of...

attached PR