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Ruby on Rails

Results 596 rails issues
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### Motivation / Background `#in_order_of` is an excellent method and makes ordering enum columns easier, and many complex order case/when queries can be refactored to use it. This PR was...


### Motivation / Background Following on the Arel work in #48261, this commit adds the ability to provide a materialization hint to a CTE in ActiveRecord. To support the hint,...


### Steps to reproduce With `config.active_storage.track_variants = false` ```ruby MyModel.last.photo.variant(resize_to_fit: [200, 100]).key => "variants/xxxxxxx" ``` With `config.active_storage.track_variants = true` ```ruby MyModel.last.photo.variant(resize_to_fit: [200, 100]).key => nil ``` ### Expected behavior With...


### Detail This PR fixes an issue where non-hash where-clause values for associations would not set `references_values`. This could (and often does) end up causing hard-to-debug SQL errors due to...


Solving https://github.com/rails/rails/issues/51067 I'm only familiar with writing rails tests in rspec, I wrote a test after skimming the other syntax in the file but please let me know if there...


Managed to reproduce CI failure at https://buildkite.com/rails/rails-nightly/builds/165#018da4eb-5216-4c18-b84b-32e067fdb17a/1250-1260 ### Steps to reproduce - Install ruby 3.4.0dev that includes https://github.com/ruby/ruby/commit/de1a586ecc2ee7f465f0c0a69291054136a3a819 ```ruby git clone https://github.com/rails/rails cd rails rm Gemfile.lock bundle install cd activesupport...

Fixes #51029 ### Motivation / Background This Pull Request has been created because the limits for nested attributes didn't reject records marked for destruction. ### Detail This Pull Request ensures...


The current docker entrypoint will slow down starting `rails server` because it will first load _another_ Rails process to check and run database migrations (which is necessary because not all...

### Motivation / Background There may be instances where a developer is working in an environment where a higher cost than the default (12) for BCrypt is required either due...


With a bi-directional has one through association, where the join model belongs to each parent with `dependent: :destroy`, destroying either parent should destroy the through record and the other parent....
