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Ruby on Rails

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While I was reading the Debugging Rails Applications guide, this typo threw me off and I had to re-read it to understand the intended meaning, so it seems like it's...


We are trying to do something like this: ``` has_many :source_tracks alias_method :source_objects, :source_tracks has_many :source_object_genres, through: :source_objects ``` However it seems like ActiveRecord does not recognize the alias_method for...


**Motivation / Background** Currently, the `where.associated` method in Rails allows filtering associated records but only with an inner join. This Pull Request aims to enhance `where.associated` by supporting additional join...


The problem is here: https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/36c1591bcb5e0ee3084759c7f42a706fe5bb7ca7/activerecord/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract/schema_statements.rb#L293-L300 I can't submit this from my work computer, but can somebody put up a PR to make this change to L299: ```ruby drop_table(table_name, force: force,...

attached PR

### Motivation / Background When `autosave: true` is set on both ends of a relation `save` and/or `valid?` can be called more than once removing the changes that just happened...


### Summary Like many folks, I set this in my `config/environments/test.rb` file: ```ruby config.active_job.queue_adapter = :inline ``` The reason I do this is to have easy-to-test, deterministic behavior of any...


### Steps to reproduce It is possible to craft a POST request that results in a "exceeded available parameter key space" error, even though the request is targeting a route...

[Example deploy](https://60ed10f7.zzak-rails.pages.dev/) made with rails/buildkite-config#89

Another refactoring in relation to https://github.com/rails/rails/pull/50793 but it makes sense even without it. Also ref: https://github.com/rails/rails/pull/48716 Rather than each connection having its own `BoundSchemaReflection`, we can instead have `BoundSchemaReflection` hold...


### Motivation / Background The introduction of memoization as an optimization posed a backwards incompatible change to View tests that call `render` multiple times. ### Detail Follow-up to [49856][] Follow-up...
