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Setter sometimes doesn't update the changes, and therefore, doesn't save later on.

Open GeoffreyOnRails opened this issue 2 months ago • 3 comments

Steps to reproduce

Here is an issue that appears some times in one of our job, but that we don't manage to reproduce consistently. The assign_attributes, sometimes, does change my object values, but doesn't mark them as changed, and therefore won't be saved when I do a save! (no UPDATE SQL query sent).

class ExamReservation < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :selected_exam_center, class_name: "Location"
  # I removed all the stuff not related. There are a few callbacks, but nothing that should be related
  def my_flacky_method(some_params)
       # Initialize needed variables from some_params
      logger.warn("[DEBUG][my_method] Exam_reservation #{to_param}, before assign_attributes : object -> #{inspect}, object valid? -> #{valid?}, errors -> #{errors.full_messages}, changes -> #{changes}")
      driving_exam_starts_at: starts_at, # Date
      status: Status::DRIVING_EXAM_BOOKED, #string
      comment: comment, #nil or string
      selected_exam_center: exam_center, #Location object
      automatic_booking: true
    logger.warn("[DEBUG][my_method] Exam_reservation #{to_param}, before save - after assign_attributes : object -> #{inspect}, object valid? -> #{valid?}, errors -> #{errors.full_messages}, changes -> #{changes}")
    save!(validate: false)
    logger.warn("[DEBUG][my_method] Exam_reservation #{to_param}, after save : object -> #{inspect}, object valid? -> #{valid?}, errors -> #{errors.full_messages}, changes -> #{changes}")
  logger.warn("[DEBUG][my_method] Error on #{to_param} after save : #{inspect}")

Expected behavior

We would expect in our logs the object to have value modified, and the changes method to contain the values modified by the assign_attributes

Actual behavior

We DO have the fields modified in our object according to the logs (status, selected_exam_center_id...), however we have an empty value returned by the changes method, and therefore the save!(validate: false) does nothing. This behavior happens only sometimes though, even for the same object (doing it again with the same parameters sometimes passes.

Feb 20 12:49:47   W, [2024-02-20T11:49:47+00:002]  WARN -- ** BOOKING **: [DEBUG][my_method] Exam_reservation 6546388859, before assign_attributes : object -> #<ExamReservation id: 31493, student_id: 2216054, teacher_id: 1879574, training_end_date: "2024-01-11", inscription_date: "2024-01-11", priority_score: 80, status: "examen à planifier", driving_exam_starts_at: nil, urgent_driving_exam: false, teacher_comment: nil, created_at: "2024-01-11 19:26:06.618382000 +0100", updated_at: "2024-02-20 02:30:31.286590000 +0100", deadline: nil, bonus: [], comment: "Aucun créneau disponible pour l’instant, pour cett...", penalty_end_date: nil, selected_exam_center_id: nil, comment_updated_at: "2024-02-20 12:48:00.983422000 +0100", credits: nil, credits_consumed_at: "2024-02-19 09:54:49.217572000 +0100", reminder_mandate_sent_at: nil, automatic: false, reminder_credits_sent_at: nil, convocation_reminder_sent_at: nil>, object valid? -> true, errors -> [], changes -> {}

Feb 20 12:49:47   W, [2024-02-20T11:49:47+00:002]  WARN -- ** BOOKING **: [DEBUG][my_method] Exam_reservation 6546388859, before save - after assign_attributes : object -> #<ExamReservation id: 31493, student_id: 2216054, teacher_id: 1879574, training_end_date: "2024-01-11", inscription_date: "2024-01-11", priority_score: 80, status: "examen réservé", driving_exam_starts_at: "2024-03-06 09:00:00.000000000 +0100", urgent_driving_exam: false, teacher_comment: nil, created_at: "2024-01-11 19:26:06.618382000 +0100", updated_at: "2024-02-20 02:30:31.286590000 +0100", deadline: nil, bonus: [], comment: nil, penalty_end_date: nil, selected_exam_center_id: 277, comment_updated_at: "2024-02-20 12:48:00.983422000 +0100", credits: nil, credits_consumed_at: "2024-02-19 09:54:49.217572000 +0100", reminder_mandate_sent_at: nil, automatic: false, reminder_credits_sent_at: nil, convocation_reminder_sent_at: nil>, object valid? -> true, errors -> [], changes -> {}

Feb 20 12:49:47   W, [2024-02-20T11:49:47+00:002]  WARN -- ** BOOKING **: [DEBUG][my_method] Exam_reservation  6546388859, after save : object -> #<ExamReservation id: 31493, student_id: 2216054, teacher_id: 1879574, training_end_date: "2024-01-11", inscription_date: "2024-01-11", priority_score: 80, status: "examen réservé", driving_exam_starts_at: "2024-03-06 09:00:00.000000000 +0100", urgent_driving_exam: false, teacher_comment: nil, created_at: "2024-01-11 19:26:06.618382000 +0100", updated_at: "2024-02-20 02:30:31.286590000 +0100", deadline: nil, bonus: [], comment: nil, penalty_end_date: nil, selected_exam_center_id: 277, comment_updated_at: "2024-02-20 12:48:00.983422000 +0100", credits: nil, credits_consumed_at: "2024-02-19 09:54:49.217572000 +0100", reminder_mandate_sent_at: nil, automatic: false, reminder_credits_sent_at: nil, convocation_reminder_sent_at: nil>, object valid? -> true, errors -> [], changes -> {}

Feb 20 12:49:47   D, [2024-02-20T11:49:47+00:002] DEBUG -- ** BOOKING **:   ExamReservation Load (1.3ms)  SELECT "exam_reservations".* FROM "exam_reservations" WHERE "exam_reservations"."id" = 31493 LIMIT 1

Feb 20 12:49:48   W, [2024-02-20T11:49:48+00:002]  WARN -- ** BOOKING **: [DEBUG][apply_booking] Error on 6546388859 after save : -> #<ExamReservation id: 31493, student_id: 2216054, teacher_id: 1879574, training_end_date: "2024-01-11", inscription_date: "2024-01-11", priority_score: 80, status: "examen à planifier", driving_exam_starts_at: nil, urgent_driving_exam: false, teacher_comment: nil, created_at: "2024-01-11 19:26:06.618382000 +0100", updated_at: "2024-02-20 02:30:31.286590000 +0100", deadline: nil, bonus: [], comment: "Aucun créneau disponible pour l’instant, pour cett...", penalty_end_date: nil, selected_exam_center_id: nil, comment_updated_at: "2024-02-20 12:48:00.983422000 +0100", credits: nil, credits_consumed_at: "2024-02-19 09:54:49.217572000 +0100", reminder_mandate_sent_at: nil, automatic: false, reminder_credits_sent_at: nil, convocation_reminder_sent_at: nil>

System configuration

Rails version:

Ruby version: 3.1.0

Note : we didn't override the setter / getter method anywhere else.

> er = ExamReservation.find ...
> method = er.method(:status=)
=> #<Method: ExamReservation(id: integer, student_id: integer, teacher_id: integer, training_end_date: date, inscription_date: date, priority_score: integer, status: string, driving_exam_starts_at: datetime, urgent_driving_exam: boolean, teacher_comment: text, created_at: datetime, updated_at: datetime, deadline: date, bonus: jsonb, comment: string, penalty_end_date: date, selected_exam_center_id: integer, comment_updated_at: datetime, credits: integer, credits_consumed_at: datetime, reminder_mandate_sent_at: datetime, automatic: boolean, reminder_credits_sent_at: datetime, convocation_reminder_sent_at: datetime)(ExamReservation::GeneratedAttributeMethods)#status=(value) /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.1.0/gems/activemodel->       
> method.super_method
=> nil
> er.method(:selected_exam_center)
=> #<Method: ExamReservation(id: integer, student_id: integer, teacher_id: integer, training_end_date: date, inscription_date: date, priority_score: integer, status: string, driving_exam_starts_at: datetime, urgent_driving_exam: boolean, teacher_comment: text, created_at: datetime, updated_at: datetime, deadline: date, bonus: jsonb, comment: string, penalty_end_date: date, selected_exam_center_id: integer, comment_updated_at: datetime, credits: integer, credits_consumed_at: datetime, reminder_mandate_sent_at: datetime, automatic: boolean, reminder_credits_sent_at: datetime, convocation_reminder_sent_at: datetime)(ExamReservation::GeneratedAssociationMethods)#selected_exam_center() /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.1.0/gems/activerecord->
> er.method(:selected_exam_center=)
=> #<Method: ExamReservation(id: integer, student_id: integer, teacher_id: integer, training_end_date: date, inscription_date: date, priority_score: integer, status: string, driving_exam_starts_at: datetime, urgent_driving_exam: boolean, teacher_comment: text, created_at: datetime, updated_at: datetime, deadline: date, bonus: jsonb, comment: string, penalty_end_date: date, selected_exam_center_id: integer, comment_updated_at: datetime, credits: integer, credits_consumed_at: datetime, reminder_mandate_sent_at: datetime, automatic: boolean, reminder_credits_sent_at: datetime, convocation_reminder_sent_at: datetime)(ExamReservation::GeneratedAssociationMethods)#selected_exam_center=(value) /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.1.0/gems/activerecord->                                  
 > er.method(:selected_exam_center=).super_method

I know that I don't have something to reproduce, but the bug happens from time to time, feel free to ask any more data that could help clarify the bug.

GeoffreyOnRails avatar Feb 20 '24 18:02 GeoffreyOnRails