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Ruby on Rails

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Fixes #45694. I think it is easier and better to just raise than to introduce an implicit behavior by adding a primary key to the selected values.


### Summary This patch tries to solve Heroku's new [PostgreSQL extension policy](https://devcenter.heroku.com/changelog-items/2446) while keeping the migration and schema code idiomatic. PostgreSQL adapter method `enable_extension` now allows to add an schema...


Managed to reproduce https://buildkite.com/rails/rails/builds/88721#0182816a-1029-4874-89ee-60d75993d2ce/1046-1057 ### Steps to reproduce 1. Install Ruby 3.2.0dev that includes https://github.com/ruby/ruby/commit/e07d450deae500422b7693a30c75c5b1567601a 2. Execute these steps ``` git clone https://github.com/rails/rails cd rails rm Gemfile.lock bundle install cd...


### Summary Update the docs for `ActiveSupport::ErrorSubscriber` to mention [the new `source` parameter](https://github.com/rails/rails/pull/44998).


### Steps to reproduce Create an ActiveRecord model with an ActiveStorage relation. Initialize and add the associated attachment. Cast the object to another subclassed model, the associated attachment is lost....


### Summary Deprecates passing `ActiveSupport::Duration` as an interpolated bind parameter in a SQL string template, which currently casts duration to an integer on all adapters. To avoid this warning, you...


This fleshes out the "Choices from a Collection of Complex Objects" section a bit more, explicitly mentioning associations and proper field naming. --- /cc @ghiculescu Does this address your concern...


### Steps to reproduce Configure ActiveStorage with GKE Workload identity (as documented [here](https://edgeguides.rubyonrails.org/active_storage_overview.html#google-cloud-storage-service)): ```ruby google: service: GCS iam: true project: bucket: ``` Define a class: ```ruby class Transaction < ApplicationRecord...


### Steps to reproduce I'm not _entirely_ sure if this is considered a bug, or intended behavior that's not well-documented for `uniqueness` validations on associations. I'm happy to help improve...


### Steps to reproduce When creating a new rails app with nothing but using the MySQL adaptor, using a UUID as the primary key causes ActiveRecord to return id: 0...