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Ruby on Rails

Results 459 rails issues
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### Motivation / Background A non-array column can be queried via `where(name: [value1, value2])` which is automatically converted to `name IN (value1, value2)` in SQL. An array column would treat...


### Steps to reproduce Unable to reproduce it locally. Here are https://buildkite.com/rails/rails/builds/101101#018b5834-8aac-4e35-8ca5-33f964f18914 https://buildkite.com/rails/rails/builds/101132#018b5ece-c103-4dae-91a0-3608f85b4b6e https://buildkite.com/rails/rails/builds/101140#018b6002-8f41-4153-894e-db355691ecd8 https://buildkite.com/rails/rails/builds/101324#018b783b-f914-4b93-8b94-760f04dc6806 https://buildkite.com/rails/rails/builds/101326#018b7928-a571-4f7e-907a-68f1620d168d ### Expected behavior It should finish successfully in couple of minutes like https://buildkite.com/rails/rails/builds/101342#018b7d60-4941-4bf9-8243-03b4676ad4a4 ###...

ci issues

> Gives the trim mode to be used by ERB. It defaults to '-', which turns on trimming of tail spaces and newline when using or . See the [Erubis...

This commit: https://github.com/rails/rails/commit/5187a9ef51980ad1b8e81945ebe0462d28f84f9e is present on the 7-1-stable and 7-0-stable branches. As per Rails Maintenance Policy, 6-1-stable should have also received this patch. Could you please add this patch to...

### Motivation / Background Resolves #50850 Resolves #51127 by allowing users to set all query constraints on association definitions, leaving model in a state compatible with active_storage (and active_text) associations....


### Motivation / Background In mysql, there are two column data types: linestring and multilinestring. At the moment, we cannot create those two using ```rb t.column :test_col, :linestring t.column :test_mcol,...


### Motivation / Background This Pull Request has been created because I was looking at the ActionPack test suite and found a few fixture files that are not used anymore....

needs work

(Discussion started in https://github.com/fxn/zeitwerk/issues/287.) The purpose of this ticket would be to explore ways to let Rails reload some gems. This could be useful if the gem is being actively...

### Problem More of a feature request: `previous_changes` gets overwritten every time an ActiveRecord is saved. This means that if a record is saved multiple times in a transaction block,...