François Pomerleau

Results 115 comments of François Pomerleau

What you are looking for is a covariance for the outputted transformation. Unfortunately, there is no functional way to compute it (you can search for covariance in the issues of...

By looking at what is implemented [over here](, it seems that the function returns the sum of the residuals. I don't recall the motivation behind that choice. You would need...

@simonpierredeschenes can you have a look?

@fangcywangermu in English would be better...

That would be a great add-on! It would be nice to compare it with the other point-to-point and point-to-plane error minimizer. Libpointmatcher is modular in the sense that once would...

ahhh not fun when they are doing that... There are other papers on plane-to-plane [1], it might worth it to have a look if they have a close form solution....

It's on the long term plan, but up to now, nobody had time to implement it.

Thanks for your inputs @adrelino, it's very useful. Is there something in particular that make you don't trust the g2o solution? In general, we try to keep the dependency to...