Niklas Mischkulnig

Results 290 comments of Niklas Mischkulnig

> This resolve preset is very suspicious. 3s to find a preset That wasn't the case for me, neither macOS nor Windows.

On Windows, we don't use Node's [`fs.readlpath.native`]( because it's apparently buggy on Windows.

Have you tried doing `require("cssnano")` wihtout Parcel in a JS script and timing the require call? To make sure this is due to Node on Windows and not caused by...

@AndyOGo Could you share more details about your situation (and ideally a reproduction)? Do you also have many cores like some of the other commenters above? Does setting `PARCEL_WORKERS=4 yarn...

@Lazerbeak12345 Can you share your project (or some version of that typescript file which still causes this problem)?

Yeah, it works for me on macOS (also 4 core i5). But I'm also not sure if this is because I didn't modify your repo correctly or if it's actually...

I'm guessing this is caused by a bad entry root/project root calculation then: (so that root is too high up in your FS and it does some unnecessary stuff...

> I just found out that this is even documented: []( (That are the docs for Parcel 1.x.)

The empty style element makes it sound like but for CSS instead of JS assets with no content.

The problem here is actually that `` is technically invalid HTML. Then Parcel is missing a `type="module"` and also includes a strange empty script body: ```html (function () { })();...