Niklas Mischkulnig

Results 290 comments of Niklas Mischkulnig

Can you share some HTML file that reproduces this?

The problem are the many inline style attributes, so there are about 21000 assets in the graph.

If `project-a` contains a lockfile or a `.git` directory, it will be the project root and only files inside of that are watched. > Edit: also to clarify, parcel doesn't...

> How about symlinks then? "only files inside of that are watched" essentially ignores symlinks. This is mostly because the file watching APIs from the various OSs only fire change...

Well, if you start multiple instances of Parcel, they can't all use the same port. Just like starting multiple webservers won't automatically expose all of them correctly on the same...

If that doesn't help, please provide a reproduction. 2.6.0 working fine sounds like yet another regression of /

As I've said: please say which OS you're using, and ideally share a reproduction

There's only a handful of places where hashStream is used:[repo][0]=parcel-bundler/parcel When you edit node_modules to add logging, be sure to modify the `lib` directory of Parcel packages, not `src`

If it's line 79, then hopefully fixes it.