Niklas Mischkulnig

Results 290 comments of Niklas Mischkulnig

I think something like `` (the attribute would be removed by Parcel) or ```js // ... ``` would make sense

If just reading the file contents are enough for you then yes, readFileSync should work: The difference with bundle-text is that it first processes/transpiles the file before inlining.

I've tried this: ``` { "source": "index.ts", "types": "dist/index.d.ts", "scripts": { "build": "parcel build . --no-cache" }, "dependencies": { "parcel": "2.0.0-nightly.579", "typescript": "^4.1.5" } } ``` ```ts // index.ts export...

When using Windows line endings (cr + lf), [the sourcemaps are wrong](

Indeed, with this simple test (using the tsc transformer) ```html ``` a.ts: ```ts import "./b"; console.log("a") ``` b.ts ```ts // .... console.log("b"); ``` it seems that the sourcemaps reflect the...

(This isn't specific to inline sourcemaps) seems to fix it for `--no-scope-hoist` (= and development). But the maps with scope-hoisting is still broken as before.

@DeMoorJasper is needed to get scope hoisting working? Or does that have nothing to do with this?

That should already be fixed in the latest nightly:

If anyone still has this problem: please post a code sample so that we can reproduce this.

@Levminer That's working correctly for me. What Parcel version are you using? If it's indeed 2.6.2, then please share a complete example including package.json/lockfile/... as a repo or a zip...