Niklas Mischkulnig

Results 290 comments of Niklas Mischkulnig

Can you please share a repository where this error happens repeated/consistently for you? --- We have seen various likely related errors as well: On Windows on the Parcel CI, on...

It only seems to happen when using `.htm` as opposed to `.html`. So renaming everything to `.html` might be a workaround for you

I'm not entirely sure why, Parcel has the export-default-from proposal enabled: and according to that, what you're seeing is the correct behaviour...

With RSC getting traction, doing this automatically might be a good idea. Would work similar to the existing shebang handling that also extract `#!/usr/bin/node` from the entry file and puts...

Looks like it would have to be this with mjs: ```js import utils from "@parcel/utils"; import SourceMap from "@parcel/source-map"; new SourceMap.default() utils.blobToBuffer() ``` So we'll have to look into publishing...

A workaround would be ``` { "extends": "@parcel/config-default", "transformers": { "*.svg": ["@parcel/transformer-svg-react"] } } ``` (as long as you don't have inline styles/actual urls to assets in your SVG)

> Node.js 14+ is required for version Parcel (officially) supports Node 12, but since that's EOL we should probably move on anyway.

We have a similar situation here as well:

How can I reproduce this on Windows?

It works as expected though when declaring the variable type explicitly. ```js const a = [1]; const b: number[] = [1]; function foo(arr: (number|string)[]) { arr.push("x"); } foo(a); // no...