Niklas Mischkulnig

Results 97 issues of Niklas Mischkulnig

Closes #268 This uses TextDecoder for `toString('utf8')` and `toString()`. I needed to update some tests so that they are in line with Node's native `Buffer` (which also makes them pass...

For example `Buffer.from(Buffer.from([0xE0, 0xAC]).toString())` produces `` with the native Node Buffer while this package currently outputs ``. So it somehow tries to match multiple bytes even if some of them...

### Reproduction With this example, React creates a controlled input while Preact creates a uncontrolled input. ```js import React from "preact/compat"; function App() { return ; } ``` In fact,...

known issue

**What version of Tailwind CSS are you using?** v3.0.2 **What build tool (or framework if it abstracts the build tool) are you using?** Parcel 2 👋 **What version of Node.js...

**What version of Tailwind CSS are you using?** v3.0.2 **What build tool (or framework if it abstracts the build tool) are you using?** Parcel 2 👋 **What version of Node.js...

The upgrade to >=185 is going to be ... quite something:

# 🐛 bug report When using the `browser` target, code like this is generated: `new Worker(new URL("worker.6344e013.js", "file:" + __filename));` (which is for Node, not for browsers or bundlers) ##...

`loadGlobalInfo` is probably not a good name

# 🙋 feature request ## 😯 Current Behavior The variables at the end cannot be inlined by minifiers, I suspect this is because between the variable use and the declaration,...

🌳 Scope Hoisting

Another instance of a reexport all together with a non-ESM (empty, formerly type-only) asset causing imports to be undefined. I can't really think of a better to solve this statically...