Niklas Mischkulnig

Results 290 comments of Niklas Mischkulnig

I only adjusted those test which were apparently deviating from Node's `Buffer`. For example try running this ``` > new Buffer([0xF4, 0x8F, 0x80]).toString().length 1 ``` so this test was apparently...

There is apparently some breakeven point where TextDecoder becomes faster then the existing implementation: Using `node perf/readUtf8.js`, testing 256 byte buffers and `new Buffer('7c'.repeat(5e7), 'hex')` for the "big" variants ```...

You have to set `Tools > Programmer` to `Arduino as ISP`

It seems like it isn't possible putting modified `Arduino.h` and `wiring_analog.c` files somewhere to override the ones supplied by Arduino. Would it be okay to create a whole new core...

Here's the pull request:

The pull request just got merged, the fix will be in Arduino 1.6.12 . @damellis This pull request can be closed.

> Hopefully it will be added to libui one day, but currently there are more important things missing. 👍 Actually, it was once supported. But OSs and window managers had...

You can render formatted text/rectangles/circles/... inside the scrollable area but not a form with buttons for example.