Niklas Mischkulnig

Results 290 comments of Niklas Mischkulnig

At least in @cifkao's example, this is caused by inline bundles not being processed (as they shouldn't) so `bundleInfoMap[]` is undefiend. But they are still listed in the hashReferences...

@ittaibaratz Are you using `import foo from 'bundle-text:./something';` or `import foo from 'data-url:./something';` (like [here]( Or [inline script tags with imports]( Just trying to verify that there are not even...

Another reproduction: ```html import * as b from "./b.js"; console.log(b); ``` ```js // a.js import * as b from "./b.js"; console.log(b); // b.js export const a = 1; ```

> 💻 Code Sample That repo doesn't exist/is private.

Did I understand you correctly that you want to view/run the output from Parcel via a `file://` url without a werbserver?

> if the workers are implemented using "processes" They aren't. Node's WorkerThreads are used when available (you could set `PARCEL_WORKER_BACKEND=process` to force using processes). Could you check what returns...

Also, could you test this with a bigger project (that takes something like 30s) to determine whether this is the overhead from starting the workers itself.

> It returns 16 which is correct (It should return 8 because that function is supposed to determine the number of real cores and not threads.)

In your 300ms example, no workers might be faster (btw you can also do `PARCEL_WORKERS=0` to actually use 0 workers). But if you build takes more than a few seconds,...

Results I get with your project: macOS (4 core i5), last number is wall time ``` PARCEL_WORKERS=0: 6.74s user, 0.72s system, 150% cpu, 4.948 total PARCEL_WORKERS=1: 6.88s user, 0.72s system,...