Niklas Mischkulnig

Results 290 comments of Niklas Mischkulnig

Please provide a reproduction. And also just saying "Errors out." without the actual error message isn't very helpful

I haven't tried it yet, but TBH it's rather often some small (unrelated) detail that triggers a reported bug. And if you post the error, we can sometimes make educated...

> Would a PR for this be accepted? Yes (especially since the original author has agreed). The transformer should go into And it should be added to the default...

> To implement this feature, should I start by re-implementing postProcess API? or Do you have the other solution? The only reason we removed postProcess was that it was unused....

Try running the regular Typescript CLI (e.g. something like `tsc --noEmit --isolatedModules`), if that also shows an error, then it's still a configuration problem. You might also need to specify...

You're right. Looks like a workaround is adding `"./node_modules/@types/node/index.d.ts"` to `include`.

This is the relevant code, I'm no expert at tsc either: `ParseConfigHost` and `LanguageServiceHost` are defined here:

> yarn lint as part of this PR so a lot of the files have been modified due to prettier. We recently upgraded Prettier and a lot of your changes...

I think `global` should rather be on the Target object, rather than the options because `outputFormat` is also per-target. (We could still have the CLI flag, but it would...

> Hard to provide a concrete example, as this would need to be provided with custom ASP.NET Core backend. Can't you share a stripped down version of your frontend where...