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Results 294 django issues
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# Trac ticket number ticket-35328 # Branch description When in debug mode, we can make some better error messaging when the `Origin` header checking fails. In common scenarios, we can...

# Trac ticket number ticket-35278 # Branch description `gettext` or `ngettext` can return possibly undefined value which can cause errors when using the translation. # Checklist - [x] This PR...

# Trac ticket number ticket-17235 # Branch description Made request.FILES immutable. Continued the work from PR #10110 by @vinayinvicible. # Checklist - [x] This PR targets the `main` branch. -...

This is largely based off the work of @yokeshwaran1 and the closed PR This PR replaces the Selenium Test with a more active walkthrough to recreate the bug. Ticket...


# Trac ticket number ticket-35331 # Branch description When adding a new related entry on a filter horizontal vie the "+" sign from an M2M field, it used to not...


# Trac ticket number N/A # Branch description The class `extrapretty` is a fictional example, whilst the class `wide` is not. Its existence in the documentation dates back to when...

# Trac ticket number ticket-35393 # Branch description Provide a concise overview of the issue or rationale behind the proposed changes. The original main branch had an `AdminInline` where one...

# Trac ticket number [Ticket #35359]( # Branch description While adding a `GeneratedField` field along with a new field, the `AddField` operations were being generated in the wrong order due...

# Trac ticket number ticket-[28519] # Branch description Provide a concise overview of the issue or rationale behind the proposed changes. # Checklist - [x] This PR targets the `main`...

# Trac ticket number ticket-373 # Branch description [Proposal]( [Previous PR]( ```python class Tenant(models.Model): pass class User(models.Model): tenant = models.ForeignKey(Tenant, on_delete=models.CASCADE) id = models.SmallIntegerField() class Meta: primary_key = ("tenant_id", "id")...