Results 274 comments of Val Wood

I wonder if this. ticket could be processed. It's straightforward (it is part of my review of everything annotated to. "regulation of process".This isn't regulation, but the gene products annotated...

I considered that for a while, but cohesin loading and unloading are multistep processes:

Actually what you suggest would work. Pds5/Wpl would be described as a cohesin loader/unloader activity, and the other steps (like the ATPase which is intrinsic to the cohesin, and the...

I have been trying to annotate this pathway since the Noctua workshop in Hinxton. I think it was about 10 years ago ;)

Yes. I was being dim.

Hi Colin. Doesn't APL function as both a loader and an unloader. I am sure I have annotations to both?

Ignore. I did . I don't seem to now...

There is loading(requiring the mis4/SSl3 loader) and then the loader isn't required for maintenance. We were discussing whether there is a need for establishment and maintenance. I am not sure....

@pgaudet remember to merge the "regulation of cohesion loading" into the "regulation of (mitotic?) cohesion"

NTR piRNA amplification loop seems an odd term. Positive feedback loops exist in all of the siRNA pathways (not to mention many other pathways, cell cycle regulation etc). It isn't...