Results 274 comments of Val Wood

This area is a bit mixed up. But I think that is partly to do with how the community distinguish the pathways. They use the nucleases to label the pathway....

This term was to describe the torpedo model. ~I don't think it is exosome dependent but I'm not sure~ @colinlog has mentioned this a couple of times because it is...

The same possibly applies to these 2: GO:0006198 | cAMP catabolic process | ISM with IPR000396 | GO_REF:0000050 | (7 EXP) GO:0046069 | cGMP catabolic process | IBA with PTN002001416 ...

2',3'-cyclic-nucleotide 3'-phosphodiesterase activity is a parent of + | 3',5'-cyclic-AMP phosphodiesterase activity -- | -- + | 3',5'-cyclic-GMP phosphodiesterase activity

I think this deserved wider discussion at the GO meeting. Up to now there have been no guidelines on how to do seems quite arbitrary when a term is...

This approach would seems to be more LEGO compliant. and, we could easily migrate our existing TF annotations to this format, but could we therefore obsolete the terms in GO...

Hi Paola, I think in general this was considered to be a good approach at lest for transcription factors. I propose this solution for various modification terms too. There were...

Sorry this has taken so long. I tidied my slides and added to the Google drive The title is "precomposing GO terms at annotation time" This is probably related to...