Results 274 comments of Val Wood

Also this term: GO:0060624 [ JSON]( regulation of ascospore wall (1->3)-beta-D-glucan biosynthetic process I see this in Canto:

I think the definition of anatomical structure related terms needs to be fixed. Many, many anatomical structures apply to yeast. For example GO:0005622 intracellular anatomical structure 4778/5050 fission yeast proteins...

any news on this? I am still unable to approve curation session switch some terms. We can keep these back for a while but I don't want to gett too...

We have a temporary fix while @balhoff is organizing a general fix.

Thoughts: - In fission yeast actin is *only* localized at two points of the cell cortex, so although the cortex is often associated with actin, the majority of the cell...

actually you are right, most defs call the cortex the cortical part of the actin cytoskeleton. And although the actin is concentrated in yeast, I guess it is really all...

We also have a term "cortical ER" which is part of "cell cortex" at the cell division site (or maybe it is more accurately associated with the cortex and not...

I see the same issue here: siRNA-dependent pericentric heterochromatin formation should be a sibling of siRNA-dependent facultative heterochromatin formation under small non-coding RNA-dependent heterochromatin formation based on standerrd nomenclature, but...

Do we need such a grouping term? These phosphorylation events (kinases) can just be coupled to their substrates, and then part_of the processes that they regulate (initiation, elongation, termination) etc....