Results 165 issues of Max Desiatov

Currently, when the project contains code that doesn't compile, `carton dev` doesn't get to the watching stage, and simply fails. It shouldn't stop the process and should continue watching, potentially...


After is resolved, we'll be able to run tests in browsers. We should still allow using Wasmer, but I think it's easier to expect that people have a browser...


This is already implemented in [the latest stable version of TSC]( Required output files can be emitted by passing ` -Xswiftc -serialize-diagnostics` to `swift build`. This will allow us to...


`carton dev` and `carton test` should be able to run produced binaries in Node.js. Maybe `carton bundle` could also produce a ready-made NPM package with the produced binary?


Is this a regression in 0.8? Names of compiled files and the total count of files being built is no longer displayed, only the `Compiling...` message is shown.


`carton test` doesn't block and watch for changes by default, as it's primarily supposed to run on CI where this behaviour is undesired. At the same time, watching for changes...


This would speed up installation for our users. There's an example of a `brew bottle` setup in For Ubuntu we should provide statically linked binaries in addition to Docker...

continuous integration

#122 makes me think that `carton bundle` and `carton test` should log compiler diagnostics with [the LoggingGitHubActions package]( when they run on GitHub Actions. Maybe we could also highlight failing...


This is a follow-up to #10, our current watcher can only watch whole directories, it's not granular enough to watch files. Some special care is needed here, as we don't...
