Results 165 issues of Max Desiatov

- [x] Simple literal expressions - [x] Ternary expressions - [x] Identifier expressions - [x] Function applications - [x] Variable and constant declarations - [ ] Closure expressions - [...

This includes checking overlapping extensions in #21. This should still allow function overloads to exist. Typealiases implemented in #31 should also be taken into account.

A typealias probably should be desugared before building an environment, but it should be preserved somehow to keep diagnostics useful.

This requires #27 to be fully implemented. CLI invocation of the form `typology lsp` should start an [LSP]( server listening on some default port. This server should be able to...

Support for shadowed and overloaded declarations is also required.

This most probably depends on #26 to track all uses of a particular symbol throughout the opened package.

It's unclear yet whether this should be implemented in `Typology` module itself, or `TypologyLSP` module. I'm inclined to do the former, as this would allow to do semantic checks against...

This requires AST -> Environment transformation to check for overlapping overloaded declarations and to generate new overloads based on possible applied default arguments.