Results 165 issues of Max Desiatov

Thanks for the great article and this companion repository. I couldn't find any mentions of the license under which this code could be used. Would you be able to clarify...

Hi @marksands, thanks for such a great library! I'm currently thinking of making [XMLCoder]( more community-driven to encourage more contributions. I'm considering an umbrella organization (could name it, but...

[Keep a Changelog]( is a great standard that is also automatically parseable by different GitHub Actions. It would be great if GitBuddy supported formatting its output in accordance with the...

In repositories with SSH authentication GitBuddy hangs at the "Fetching tags" stage. It attempts to run `git fetch --tags origin --no-recurse-submodules -q`, but this command requires an SSH key passphrase...

Hello and thanks for this great tool! It would be great if GitBuddy could be installed via Homebrew, which would be one of the easiest ways to install it on...


We should keep this doc up-to-date with latest additions to SwiftUI and Tokamak


It would be interesting to see how size of simple `Text("Hello, World")` example binary changes with changes made to Tokamak. We should consider gathering these metrics on CI and introducing...

continuous integration

Receiving some requests for these, and I hope we could design something that makes it easier to interact with other frameworks. Might require some changes in `carton` too, to make...


Here's the API that would be great to implement: ```swift public struct Alert { public init(title: Text, message: Text? = nil, dismissButton: Alert.Button? = nil) public init(title: Text, message: Text?...

SwiftUI compatibility

These tests can only run on macOS, but we should support them on Linux too.

continuous integration
DOM/HTML renderer