Results 165 issues of Max Desiatov

For future reference: We just see that people forget adding new demo files to [the demo Xcode project](, and this can and should be automated after all.

good first issue
continuous integration

I had a look at [SwiftWebUI Router]( and it's great stuff, thank you for developing this @carson-katri! I hope it could be used with Tokamak with slight modifications. In the...

API design

We need to research how is [React doing this](, how stable it is, and what the implications are for our architecture.


I imagine we could do something like Storybook by examining a project for `PreviewProvider`s and building a View library... _Originally posted by @carson-katri in


This one's somewhat hard (I don't have a clear vision for it yet) and most probably needs some kind of integration with `carton`. There's also still the problem of detecting...

SwiftUI compatibility

```swift public struct BorderlessButtonStyle : PrimitiveButtonStyle { public init() public func makeBody(configuration: BorderlessButtonStyle.Configuration) -> some View } ```

SwiftUI compatibility

API declarations: ```swift public struct LinearGradient : ShapeStyle, View { public init(gradient: Gradient, startPoint: UnitPoint, endPoint: UnitPoint) public typealias Body = _ShapeView } ```

SwiftUI compatibility

Basic API: ```swift public struct ActionSheet { public init(title: Text, message: Text? = nil, buttons: [ActionSheet.Button] = [.cancel()]) public typealias Button = Alert.Button } extension View { public func actionSheet(...

SwiftUI compatibility

This initializer is currently missing: ```swift public init( destination: Destination, tag: V, selection: Binding, @ViewBuilder label: () -> Label ) where V: Hashable ``` Test case: ```swift struct ContentView: View...

SwiftUI compatibility

I see that some people mention they are confused which target they should depend on, and which module they should import. To make it explicit that `TokamakCore` is not supposed...

help wanted