Results 165 issues of Max Desiatov

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** It doesn't seem like there's a way to unzip an in-memory archive created with `Archive(data:)` initializer. **Describe the solution you'd...

I'm currently using `@wasmer/wasi` 0.10 package and was thinking of upgrading to 0.11, but wasn't sure if the new release contained any breaking changes. I also wasn't able to find...

continuous integration

This could work similarly to [`pipenv shell`](, which just launches a new shell environment where specified Python version and packages become available.


IDK if `carton` is the most appropriate place to implement the generation, but I think it could provide at least some helpers to make things work smoothly. One part of...


Based on a discussion with one of our users, it would make sense to publish `carton` on npm, similarly to how `esbuild` or `swc` provide binaries on npm. This would...

continuous integration

### Motivation As we start using newer features, like `BigInt`, `FinalizationRegistry` etc, we should still allow targeting older browsers. ### Proposed solution I'm currently thinking we could make `--environment` option...


Currently, if `WasmTransformer` or the SwiftWasm toolchain produce invalid binaries, our users can only discover this when loading the binary in a Wasm host (the browser in most cases). We...
