Results 165 issues of Max Desiatov

Currently the test suite is disabled on ARM64 platforms, as Wasmer doesn't support these platforms really well, and doesn't support aarch64 Linux at all. One potential solution could migration to...

continuous integration

Seems that `swift build` assumes `xctest` is available somewhere in `PATH` directories when building SwiftWasm projects on macOS as reported by @cohix: >Using `swift build —triple=wasm32-unknown-wasi` outputs the error...


Upstream Linux builds provide a GPG signature, we should consider doing the same for Linux builds too.

When writing requirements for, it reminded me of my old idea for browser version checks in Swift: ```swift @available(Safari 14, Edge 79, Firefox 68, Chrome 67) final class JSBigInt...


JavaScript strings are UTF-8, obviously converting back and forth between UTF-16 and UTF-8 has some overhead. It would be great if an option to use UTF-16 by default existed so...

help wanted

Similarly to how any C/C++ SwiftPM target can be imported in Swift code, I wonder if it would be possible to import arbitrary WebAssembly modules, especially when [support for interface...


Absence of a working `Dispatch` module blocks #592, #597 and #646 as all of those depend on `Dispatch`.

help wanted

``` % md5 ~/Downloads/{macos-hello.wasm,linux-hello.wasm}/hello.wasm MD5 (/Users/maxd/Downloads/macos-hello.wasm/hello.wasm) = 719b7fd14533c95f6a0294c8d7edbe5f MD5 (/Users/maxd/Downloads/linux-hello.wasm/hello.wasm) = a788870a0e9d370261df7dbc9a145720 % du ~/Downloads/{macos-hello.wasm,linux-hello.wasm}/hello.wasm 9.5M /Users/maxd/Downloads/macos-hello.wasm/hello.wasm 9.4M /Users/maxd/Downloads/linux-hello.wasm/hello.wasm 19M total ``` I don't think there should be a reason...

Currently, WebGL 1.0, WebGL 2.0, and WebGPU can't be split into separate modules as targets, as `enum RenderingContext` wraps all available context types and needs to have all of them...


`carton test` previously parsed output of tests that were run with `wasmer`. It's no longer possible to capture their output, I wonder if WAMR itself supports this at all?
