
Results 120 issues of HaRold


I am a user, I want to use Miximus, I have tokens or Ether which I want to convert into anonymised tokens. How do I do this? Once my tokens...

good first issue

Also updates ethsnarks dependency, so deposits are cheaper Fixes: #19

In the Withdraw contract, we must verify that all inputs are within the snark scalar field to avoid aliasing. For example, there may be multiple `uint256` values which wrap-around to...


Instead of just supporting ETH, it should be possible to deposit & withdraw multiple different token types. It should also be possible to perform atomic swaps between tokens, internally.

As per: https://hackmd.io/@HWeNw8hNRimMm2m2GH56Cw/rJj9hEJTN?type=view The interface proposed is more agnostic to the underlying crypto being used: The **mixer** has two functions: * `deposit(bytes32 commitment) payable` verifies that `DENOMINATION` ETH (eg. 1...

Currently the proof is bound to the `msg.sender` parameter, the money is withdrawn to this address. This means a relay service can't be used because there is no separate transfer...

The Miximus circuit is lacking functionality which allows tokens to be 'fungible'. Currently each leaf is of a fixed denomination, if that denomination is `1 ETH` then you need to...

Truffle seems to frequently break in really really dumb ways. Candidates to replace truffle: * https://github.com/embark-framework/embark (JS based)

## Description It doesn't detect `ecrecover` failing upon invalid input ## How to Reproduce See the following piece of code: https://gist.github.com/HarryR/cce52596ffebdff2744c5d790888015a This was caused by a compiler bug in Solidity...

Type: enhancement