
Results 120 issues of HaRold

See: https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_58_0/doc/html/program_options/tutorial.html#idp337609360 If we want to be more idiomatic C++ and use less C-style stuff and enable more complex command-line options, would this be a good improvement? There are common...

good first issue

Need to verify or reflect on the following opportunities for optimisation: * are vtable lookups used for G1, G2 and G12 arithmetic operations? if so, can they be avoided *...


It would be good to catch obscure errors ahead of major releases which may not be caught by unit tests. I suggest an additional set of tests, which run all...

help wanted
good first issue

We are searching for ideas where a black box of anonymity could fundamentally improve an industry or enable an entirely new one. If you have any insight we would love...

help wanted

Ideas: * Port Groth's new mechanism, as implemented by ZCash with bellman * Use build system to generate proving keys

The incremental merkle tree implementation included in [MerkleTree.sol](contracts/MerkleTree.sol) requires a large amount of gas to perform the update, this is because all of the nodes for the merkle tree are...

help wanted

See: * https://github.com/zcash/zcash/pull/2243/commits/5ddd8908407077028fa48e4d129b6c272dee3841 * https://github.com/zcash/zcash/issues/2679 * https://github.com/zcash/zcash/issues/2235 * https://github.com/zcash/zcash/pull/2243/commits/929b9dbb15fe5b58db2c783c851cc85b3d12de1a * https://github.com/zcash/zcash/pull/2243/commits/5ddd8908407077028fa48e4d129b6c272dee3841 There are optimisations which can be made which reduce the necessary amount of in-memory data required for the proving...


The goal is to make the `.so` files available to Android projects via JNI or some other Android compatible interface. That means an Android project should be able to use...

help wanted

It would be good to make the libsnark based gadgets available as submodules so they can be included in other projects. Will figure out how to do this.

* https://credacash.s3.amazonaws.com/docs/CredaCash+Transaction+Protocol.pdf * https://github.com/ConsenSys/zero-knowledge-proofs * https://github.com/ebfull/lightning_circuit * https://github.com/zcash/zcash/blob/70db019c6ae989acde0a0affd6a1f1c28ec9a3d2/src/zcash/circuit/prfs.tcc