
Results 120 issues of HaRold

Without the `orbital` tool, code coverage is poor and the Withdraw tests aren't run. The reason for this is to make sure the Orbital tool works with the Mixer, but...


Currently there is a requirement that any deposit must be an exact power of two, this was enforced for efficiency - making it more likely for rings to be filled....


There is no way to recover tokens from an unfilled Ring. Some options are: 1. Make the remaining deposits to fill the ring and unlock funds 2. Allow removal of...


The combined Withdraw and Deposit function is used to transfer a token from one ring to another in a single operation. This could be 'churning' a token, or it could...


http://truffleframework.com/docs/getting_started/packages-ethpm e.g. truffle install clearmatics-mobius

With results of the traces we should be able to determine which category of bug it is. A classifier needs to match function calls and parameters, then output appropriate Tags....


Implement using http://www.howzatt.demon.co.uk/NtTrace/ or http://intellectualheaven.com/default.asp?BH=StraceNT Too much effort at the moment


Please add them here, or add a ticket. I am more than happy to add more sources or add new features if requested

The `ethsnarks` project has shorter proofs than the proof format you're using. See: * https://github.com/HarryR/ethsnarks/blob/master/contracts/Verifier.sol#L46 * https://github.com/HarryR/ethsnarks/blob/master/ethsnarks/verifier.py#L175 This reduces on the on-chain cost of verifying a zkSNARK proof to ~450k...

As per: https://gist.github.com/HarryR/a142d8ea442be7c05bf6c5edd0d8c488 Kobi has implemented EVM contract, JS library and constraints for 'MiMCsponge', which uses MiMC in Feistel mode with a sponge-like construct.