
Results 120 issues of HaRold

The ExampleCrossTokenProxy contract can only be used as a proxy for a single remote contract, it's open to any remote contract until a `Redeem()` operation is made, then it's locked...


This fixes most of the ExampleSwap contract and implements a client-side end-to-end test for the swap logic. However, the `BobWithdraw` function doesn't accept the proof, and I've been unable to...

This means that the whole project can be bundled into a .egg or .wheel file, or checked out from the git repo without having to build the Solidity side. This...


This project needs to demonstrate that the technology works on public chains to prove the viability of this project. But, in order to prove the viability there are some other...


The Registrar / Registry contract makes it easier to work with related and interlinked contracts. See: https://github.com/HarryR/panautomata/blob/61a4bdaa26fe3dfb0305606b1d143df6c9180061/solidity/contracts/Registrar.sol This should really be part of the first release to avoid all the...


While KECCAK256 (SHA-3) is cheaper for Ethereum, SHA2-256 is supported by NEO and the Ethereum variation of KECCAK isn't the same as the later updated SHA-3 standard. Whereas the SHA256...


So, having a single Lithium node which condenses the block chain into the merkle tree is insecure because if the single node gets compromised then any leaf can be added...

help wanted

Following along similarly to the trustless nature of the Grid+ contract, what we want to do is make it easy for somebody to prove that the Merkle tree uploaded by...

help wanted

It should be easy to create a NEO smart contract which implements the Link and Prover interfaces. How would the 'lithium daemon' be adapted for NEO? e.g. events vs transactions....


As per the work by [Grid+ on bridging EVM blockchains](https://blog.gridplus.io/efficiently-bridging-evm-blockchains-8421504e9ced) I thought it would be nice to make it compatible with this, without being limited to deposit / withdraw. I...
