
Results 120 issues of HaRold

We need to slowly improve the quality of the C++ code used in the ethsnarks project. Any insight from skilled C++ practitioners is welcome, especially if it provides an example...

help wanted
good first issue

I have setup Windows builds using Appveyor, see: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/harryr/ethsnarks however I don't have a Windows computer (or VM) yet that I can use to test the builds and debug problems...

help wanted
good first issue

As implemented by Matter Inc. which changes the curve parameters to be able to use the unmodified sapling-crypto repository: https://github.com/matterinc/sapling-crypto The C++ implementation is parameterised, the Python and Solidity implementations...

It has been suggested that floating point numbers offer a larger dynamic range than integers, which is useful when dealing with cryptocurrencies that may have many zeros and arbitrary units....

> in general, you can shave 1 constraints from the ethsnarks implementation here: https://github.com/HarryR/ethsnarks/blob/master/src/jubjub/adder.cpp it does: ``` beta = x1*y2 gamma = y1*x2 delta = y1*y2 epsilon = x1*x2 tau...

In order to use ECC as part of a merkle tree we need to construct a scheme where the collision resistance property is retained at every level, and where proof...

In order to make it easier for people to use EthSnarks, we need to create more example applications that demonstrate the functionality and provide a basis for people to build...

There are a number of places where copy constructors are used that could significantly impact performance as the size of the circuit increases. Using constant references instead of passing by...

https://hackmd.io/hANhPIo6TIG2j1atnC8fBA?both We need to be able to export the R1CS, Proving Key and Witness in a format that can be used by other provers, e.g. Bellman, DIZK.