
Results 120 issues of HaRold

## Description It doesn't detect `ecrecover` failing upon invalid input ## How to Reproduce See the following piece of code: https://gist.github.com/HarryR/cce52596ffebdff2744c5d790888015a This was caused by a compiler bug in Solidity...


As titled, it would be good to have a `Not` operation, so you can match in anything but the specified value. This could be combined with a `OneOf` operator, e.g....

I have removed all the cruft from /lib Added a requirements.txt file Provided a lightweight Dockerfile based on Alpine 2.7 Included nice Makefile to get started easily Added __main__ which...

This roughly matches the BLS paper, with signatures on G1 and keys on G2. There is an IETF working group writing a spec for BLS signatures: https://github.com/pairingwg/bls_standard We should aim...

Travis CI is failing: https://travis-ci.org/HarryR/solcrypto/builds/506729930?utm_source=github_status&utm_medium=notification

https://eprint.iacr.org/2019/196 This could be an improvement upon linkable ring signatures, but looks expensive (pairings, encryption, extra signatures etc.)

From: https://ethresear.ch/t/precompiled-snark-pairing-for-bls-signatures/3196/8 ------- One problem you're may run into with pairing equalty checks on-chain is the `ECPAIRING` operation doesn't allow you to directly compare arbitrary pairings without some (potentially dangerous)...

The linkable ring signature requires two additional point multiplications and a point addition per round. ```python a = add(sbmul(t), multiply(y, c)) b = add(multiply(M, t), multiply(tag, c)) ``` The problem...

Is it possible to send a shared object to netelf, then have it execute a local program with arguments and an LD_PRELOAD environment variable pointing to an fd created with...

According to http://nadeausoftware.com/articles/2012/01/c_c_tip_how_use_compiler_predefined_macros_detect_operating_system ``` #if defined(__unix__) || (defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)) ``` Support for running from memory on macOS works like: https://github.com/CylanceVulnResearch/osx_runbin/blob/master/run_bin.c This changes the executable type to MH_BUNDLE, but it...