
Results 120 issues of HaRold

The truffle debugger is buggered, ``` Gathering transaction data... redux-saga error: uncaught at session.saga at session.saga TypeError: Cannot destructure property `sourcePath` of 'undefined' or 'null'. at recordSources (/home/user/github.com/HarryR/panautomata/solidity/node_modules/truffle/build/webpack:/packages/truffle-debugger/dist/debugger.js:3445:36) ``` See:...


See: https://github.com/cosmos/peggy/tree/master/ethereum-contracts It would be good to make Panautomata compatible with [Cosmos](https://cosmos.network/) As per https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos/blob/master/WHITEPAPER.md#ibc-packet-delivery-acknowledgement it is possible to send arbitrary packets across chains using `IBCPacketTx`. While this is originally...


TODO: elaborate upon how this project can integrate with Polkadot


It should be relatively easy to create a contract for using Link and Prover from EOS. https://developers.eos.io/eosio-cpp/docs/hello-world How would the Lithium daemon be adapted to handle EOS transactions and Events?...


I'm tempted to put this on the backburner for now so I can focus on something else as a number of other projects have started implementing similar functionality, see: GitHub...

To play nicely with the Ethereum token and asset economy the HTLC contract needs to support the various widely used token standards. The core HTLC logic should be separated into...

Currently the proof of concept only uses a single Ethereum JSON-RPC connector, and assumes that either side is operating on the same contract on the same network for testing purposes....

Need to verify that refunds work via the Python API, include a test

Need to test HTLC contracts using Truffle

As per https://www.google.com/transparencyreport/https/ct/#domain=reddit.com&incl_exp=true&incl_sub=true This displays a list of subdomains which have unique certificates. The format of the result is: https://www.google.com/transparencyreport/jsonp/ct/search?domain=slashdot.org&incl_exp=false&incl_sub=true&c=_callbacks_._4ixq9krnx The response includes the `nextPageToken` and `prevPageToken` entries to paginate....
