
Results 120 issues of HaRold

It would be good to be able to perform an anonymous transfer between two recipients without the ether leaving the contract. As per discussion on https://github.com/AntoineRondelet/snark-mixer/issues/2 This can be achieved...

There are two modes of operation for the merkle tree: 1. Updates in-place 2. Nullify & append The first approach proves the path and preimage of a leaf, then updates...

Fixes #157 without modifying `libff`

The use of `long` type for variable `K` in the `sha256_round_function_gadget` gadget breaks stuff when building on platforms where `long` is 32bit. Specifically, in `sha256_components.tcc` the `SHA256_K` array is typed...

Instigated from: https://github.com/HarryR/ethsnarks/issues/99 Several frequently used methods in `libsnark::protoboard` return by value rather than by reference, this copies all of the data every time they're called: * `r1cs_variable_assignment full_variable_assignment() const;`...

As per: https://github.com/mimblewimble/grin/blob/master/doc/intro.md https://fc17.ifca.ai/bitcoin/papers/bitcoin17-final41.pdf The components necessary would be: * Range proof (base 4? e.g. Back-Maxwell range proof) to verify the value * Pedersen commitment to amount * Signature provided...

help wanted

For functions which could be pure, e.g. all of the bn256g1, anything which doesn't reference state variables. See: * https://github.com/ethereum/solidity/issues/3388 * https://github.com/ethereum/solidity/pull/2966

For example: * Alice Deposits into a Ring of size 4 (A) * All inputs are Withdrawn into 4 other Rings (B, C, D & E), each of size 4....

help wanted

As with all Ethereum transactions the address submitting the transaction can be used to trace origins and destinations of payments, however the ring signature will still reduce linkability to a...

If a user submits a Withdraw message there is nothing preventing others from replaying the same message. This is a concern if: 1. The Withdraw fails due to lack of...
