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Generic robotic controllers to accompany ros2_control

Results 228 ros2_controllers issues
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Proposal for a new controller that provides PID functionality. The controller can be used stand-alone, in a chain. Measured states can be provided through the topic or state interface, depening...


Hey ! Is there any way to disable the cmd_vel_timeout for the diff drive controller? It is not very apparent how to do this in the documentation. I have also...


Two cases should be tested: 1. When broadcaster is reactivated, joints should not be duplicated. 2. When broadcaster is deactivated, the joint names should be cleaned. That's technically be more...

help wanted
good first issue

Please use filter for gravity compensation. If needed, the filter can be extended. And not only that, we want to use filter for other things too, like noise reduction and...

I have a slow home made robot, On every moves, the succes, for the slower joint, is confirmed a few seconds before the joint target is reached ? At this...

The `time_from_start` member for a `JointTrajectoryPoint` is monotonically increasing, not a delta time, so I think we can just use the last one in the vector; summing them up seems...


This pull request contains auto-updated files of the pre-commit config. @ros-controls/ros2-maintainers please run the pre-commit workflow manually on the branch `auto-update-` before merging.


I am building an application with ros2 iron using moveit and ros2control. The application I created usually works without errors, but "sometimes" it crashes abruptly. The errors at that time...


TLDR: The main controller that ros2 control provides out of the box that integrates with a FTS, the `AdmittanceController`, does not have a good way of handling gravity compensation of...


I was reading through the code as a part of learning how to write a new steering controller. I understood that a new steering controller inherits from the SteeringControllersLibrary. But...