Richard Iannone

Results 185 comments of Richard Iannone

@jcheng5 I'll prioritize this one (and get in touch with one of you soon to get a better understanding of it).

We already have some means to override the default printing of table data. Let me know if the following R Markdown example is helpful: ```` --- title: "DF Printing" output:...

@yihui I've done pretty much what @rudeboybert has been doing for a `bookdown` project (showing the code, then rendering the table from the code in two separate chunks). Is there...

@Yevean did you make more progress on this? If you could sum up what you have and what you're still missing, we could probably provide some helpful input.

@Pablo-Leon I've just tried to reproduce this. Testing environment was macOS and not Cygwin on Windows. I saw the exact same output as you for the first and second runs....

This is of course a good idea. I’ll have to give some serious thought about how to scale up row groups to allow for nesting.

Sorry for the delay on this. Agree this is needed and I hope to work on this soon.

Hi @shrektan , I think this is a great idea! I would propose something a little different but more responsive (still rough, and doesn't use a htmltools TagList): ```r library(gt)...

@shrektan Thanks for the follow up notes. A no-wrap option might be good as a global option (and is easy to implement). This might be also addressed when we introduce...

@ldiao thank you so much for discovering the right setting. I will take a look at this again and set the proper default for PDF.