Richard Iannone

Results 185 comments of Richard Iannone

PDF export via webshot simply uses an 8.5 x 11'' page and the whitespace you're getting is simply the rest of the page. Because of this there's nothing really to...

I agree that PDF export is really suboptimal. I'd like the cropbox to be set similarly to the PNG export. Unfortunately this is not really possible with just `webshot` but...

This can be supported, and it should. The `rows` argument could be introduced to limit the scope of coloring to specified rows. Side note: there is also the somewhat related...

For this I think we need to upgrade webshot to webshot2 (in #621 ). But, definitely, better reprexes are needed from gt and I consider this an important issue.

This seems like a great idea, thanks for the suggestion! Once work begins on this, I will likely follow up in this issue with design-related questions.

Great idea! This is something that would be helpful.

Running this code now (in the dev version) provides a slightly better error thanks to our better use of tidyselect: ``` Error: Can't subset columns that don't exist. x Column...

This makes a lot of sense and I think it would be a great feature! Agree that summaries shouldn’t be affected but there should be some facility for hiding those...

This seems quite reasonable. While it’s not yet possible, I think the way this ought to be done is to allow formatters (`fmt_markdown()` in this case) to transform columns that...

Thanks for filing this issue and supplying reproducible code! Also, sorry about the problem you're facing. I will work on a fix for this v. soon.